Testimonials: Weaving Success Into Your Site Content

It’s the subtleties in our website content strategy that convince potential clients to trust us with their work. A positive perception of what we deliver creates an opportunity for a sale. Do you appear easy to work with? Does your team look approachable? Can you solve that stubborn problem their company is wrestling with? What a buyer is looking for, when they land on your website, is clear answers to these kinds of questions. The best place to communicate these underlying messages is through a thoughtful and informative testimonial page.

Testimonials Build Trust

Testimonials are so effective because they present an unbiased voice that speaks on behalf of your business. It’s a genuine account of your creative process, not a sales pitch. When your clients rave about your service or the products you deliver, a good testimonial captures the essence of their happiness. And since testimonials come from external sources, they stand out as candid and impartial. Visual representation of testimonials also helps to engage the viewer, by providing a compelling reading experience, and attaching a face to the kind words.

Example Testimonials

Testimonials Foster Consistency and Predictability

All marketers know the value of consistently being seen. On your website, it’s important to frequently drive clients to the areas where you create content with the intention of selling to them. In addition to having a dedicated testimonial page, it’s good practice to have testimonials appearing on other pages too, such as on project case studies.

Many of the websites we design have a slider, usually near the bottom of the page, which has a carousel of testimonials. Through this design, testimonials will be in your client’s line of sight, no matter the page they’re on. Testimonials can be categorized by industry too, to increase specificity and relevance. This will draw your prospective client to previous clients who had a similar problem or need. Consistency builds the trust that every site needs in order to convert new clients.

Enriching Testimonials Visually

The old adage that a picture says a thousand words holds especially true for testimonials. There is a huge psychological difference between reading isolated text from a client and seeing their smiling face accompanied by their glowing testimonial. More impact is created when there is a face attached to the words. Credibility is also boosted when the testimonial links out to the client’s LinkedIn profile. This builds another layer of trust for the testimonial. Including client images and integrating trust-evoking elements are a great way to build in site content that will convert a sale.

How Testimonials Can Convert Skeptics

A convincing testimonial can be the difference between a tough sell and a converted customer. Testimonials are powerful marketing touch points because they share insight into what it’s like to work with you. Someone from your target market who writes favourably about your work or products is relatable to your ideal customers. Testimonials demonstrate the value you provide by touching your customer and building trust, directing those who are a good fit your way.

By using a testimonial page to promote your business, you have the opportunity to convert sales through past success. Your business will appear as a provider of helpful services, one that potential customers will be eager to do business with.