Print Management: Use Agency Expertise to Reduce Stress

Regardless of whether your printing job is large or small, most branding agencies have a step-by-step process in place that’s consistent for every client. We’ve handled so many print management projects that it’s second nature to us. KIMBO Design knows how to find the best value and most importantly, results, for your printing projects.

Print Management Considerations

Print accommodations for your marketing materials must be considered at the beginning of a project, during the initial meetings, as part of the project deliverables. How you want your final printing product to look and feel must be considered, to receive the best dividend from your investment.

  • Are you taking full advantage of print techniques that will intrigue your potential clients and have them doing a double take?
  • Does the design style compliment your chosen paper and ink?
  • Will you use high-end printing processes and paper, or is this an economical run?
  • How big of a run will be needed?
  • Do you want to be seen as an environmentally conscious vendor?

The answers to these questions are important, because they shape your brand image.

Printing With An Agency

Agencies take the headache out of managing the process-to-printer transaction. We organize the files in a single area, and take care of transferring them to the printer, to make sure your printed product is delivered seamlessly. Many clients find it comforting to have us manage their jobs for them. Just think about it: would you want to be responsible for a print run of a few million copies? We thrive in this role.

KIMBO works side by side with our printers. We get to know each printer’s forte, so we can send your unique job to the right printer. Remember that we are working for you, not the printing company. We take the risk and responsibility of print management, and only choose reliable printers to complete the crucial final steps of your branding process. If we’ve picked them, you can rest assured we’ve picked the most appropriate printer for the job.

Print Management Perks

Since we deal in such large printing volumes, we are able to negotiate better rates than you could as a direct buyer. This means that we can offer you more competitive rates than you could find for yourself, without compromising on print quality; we get the same high quality for a lower price.

We also work closely with printers to minimize the environmental impact of print projects. With each of our clients, KIMBO’s focus is to create a positive impact on the environment. We are known for our sustainable design, and have won sustainability awards. Green printing is our standard practice.

With your next print project, consider having your agency practice their print management. It’s cost effective, efficient, and you’ll sleep better at night knowing your agency is taking the responsibility of delivering the beautiful product that was designed to specifically showcase your brand. You won’t regret it.