Online Public Relations – Stop Online PR Mistakes from Going Global

Online Public Relations is fast becoming what black is for the fashion world – a trend that won’t go away anytime soon and will suit any business – no matter its shape or size.

While traditional PR (press releases, press conferences, mail-outs, events and product launches) are still valued in today’s market, online PR has further enhanced the way we communicate. Online PR involves blogs, social networking sites, generating discussion and brand reputation management. It should be an important component of your marketing strategy.

Ensure your online PR strategy reflects your mission and captures your target audience.

Every day we are faced with an overload of information – streaming into our lives through the Internet. It’s overwhelming to decipher what is reliable and relevant. Internet users want the facts – delivered directly to them in the most efficient way.

The power of carefully managed online PR is underestimated. When you post a blog or status update on Facebook or Twitter you speak simultaneously to all your followers. These numbers could be in the thousands, even millions, and before you know it, any online PR mistake has gone global. Today’s media climate is far more transparent than ever before, so it’s crucial that you fool-proof your PR strategy before any disasters happen.

By choosing your words carefully to reflect your image and by selecting the best medium and timing for releasing information, you will regain control over your online profile in no time.

Top 5 tactics to keep in mind when planning your online PR strategy

1. Press releases and traditional PR can be incorporated into online PR strategy
Used to make a news announcement, raise awareness or launch a new service, idea, achievement, company development. You can also publicize these in your social networking sites, website and forums by integrating a “Share this” button within your HTML document.

2. Use your website to broadcast any news
Is your website up-to-date with the latest news and developments? Include a ‘news’ section on your site update it weekly/monthly/quarterly. Include links to your social media and networking sites – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy as part of your PR strategy
Develop keywords that rank highly in internet searches and increase visitors to your site. Include these keywords in press releases, blogs, social media posts and any other online PR and your website content.

4. Your audience / online users are instrumental in Online PR
As online PR is an evolved form of word-of-mouth advertising, made possible through technology and interactive tools such as blogs, links, share functions and social networking sites, Internet users are instrumental in your PR. Users link, comment, and share information – so talk to them directly and respect the power they hold. Create a two-way conversation.

5. Get networking
Social networking sites are an integral part of Online PR. Last year Twitter had more than 160 million users worldwide and Facebook has more than 500 million users. That is bigger than the population of the United States and about 25% of the world’s current population.