How A WordPress Website Can Enhance Your Brand

Choosing a content management system (CMS) for your website can be daunting, especially for non-coders. The two most popular CMS options are Drupal and WordPress. Here at KIMBO, we are partial to the latter. Nearly 27% of all websites on the Internet run on WordPress. This huge scope has led to a massive online community of users who improve and update the WordPress platform. Customization, security and content addition are just three of the factors involved in choosing a CMS, but here is an outline of how they can be incorporated into your website by a WordPress master.

WordPress Customization

WordPress Customization

WordPress is an open-source platform, which means that anyone with the interest and knowledge can create a plug-in. Combining this with the committed and creative WordPress community has led to the development of over 45,000 plugins, which have done an excellent job to improve the functionality of WordPress sites. Just some of the options for your site include: the creation of membership communities and forums, enhanced security, SEO, and Google Analytics.

While WordPress was originally created for small and simple blogs, its enormous plug-in library allows for the creation of sophisticated sites, as long as you have a developer who understands how to fully utilize these tools. By having all of your desired plug-ins combined in a complimentary way, your site will flourish by providing a fluent user experience. It is also easy to add or change your plug-in setup as your business or the plug-in options evolve.

WordPress Security

WordPress Security

Some people consider Drupal to be the more secure CMS, however, with the right skillset, WordPress can provide you with every bit the peace of mind, ensuring that your site and its data will be secure. Drupal has a built-in security component, but WordPress leaves security solely in the hands of the developer, so the strength of your security depends on the capabilities of the developer.

This shows the primary difference between the two platforms. Drupal is highly complex, with many internal components, which means that you need to hire someone knowledgeable to understand how to use it. WordPress is a more accessible platform, which allows for maximum flexibility and customization. With the right designer, the possibilities for your WordPress site are nearly endless.

WordPress Content Addition

WordPress Content Addition

Probably the best aspect of WordPress is how simple it is to add and change content once the infrastructure of your site is complete. With the right site design, you can add an article, announcement or blog post with a quick cut and paste. The WordPress back end is highly intuitive and clear; there is an almost total absence of technical jargon and code, which allows even those with zero coding experience or knowledge to fully manage the upkeep of their own site. As our developer says, if you can use Word, you can use WordPress.

A well-designed WordPress site is like any great piece of technology: carefully designed and executed by a talented and knowledgeable craftsperson, but fully accessible to even the technologically illiterate.