Customer Feedback: How to Respond Responsibly

Why Respond to Customer Feedback?

Responding to customer compliments is easy, and can give you a boost of confidence in your business. However at KIMBO Design, we often notice that opportunities to engage with customers are missed in situations where the customer feedback is less positive. Responding to your customers makes them feel valued, and it gives you a chance to showcase the respect you have for the people you do business with, which is hugely attractive for potential customers.

So giving a genuine and thoughtful response to customer feedback is a win-win. As an added bonus, this kind of behaviour actually increases your organization’s SEO. Each time the Google crawlers see legitimate action on your site, it increases your company’s ranking in their algorithm.

Responding to Negative Customer Feedback

Sadly, all customer feedback isn’t positive. What’s the best way to respond to negative customer feedback? The most important thing is to listen, and find out exactly what your customer is telling you. If they’re angry, they’re angry for a reason, and you need to get a specific explanation as to why this is so. Once you know why the customer feedback was negative, you are able to mend fences with them.

Any reconciliation begins with a genuine response, not a typical sanitized PR script coming from a team of speech writers. Speak to the concerned person in simple, personal language that appeals to them, and is easily understandable. They are going to want an actual plan for how their issues will be resolved, including the customer service process they will be taken through. This will really help clear up the customer’s worries, by guiding them carefully through the process.

There are two views on asking the customer to take their concern offline. Sure, dirty laundry won’t be aired in public but others won’t see how you handled the issue either. As long as you can professionally respond to customer feedback online, it provides an excellent place to actually prove yourself as a firm who cares dearly about its customers.