Our solution to the challenge of incorporating the Harrison painting on the cover was to situate it in context as a physical painting, as opposed to using it as a standalone image. From a practical angle, this gave us a means to feature the colourful painting prominently while maintaining the established brand colour palette of blue and yellow. More importantly though is the narrative power this solution provides. Looking at the painting as an artefact being held from a first-person perspective helps to personify their theme of ‘community,’ while also lending power to the role connections play for the Society.
The new content, in relation to the theme, also required us to develop an updated solution for the typography and structural hierarchy. We developed a system that used two distinct type families in a complimentary fashion that makes the layers of content the Society wanted to present both accessible and logical. Making sure to maintain consistency in our hierarchy, our system presents the content in a dynamic and engaging fashion appropriate for the target audience.
Alzheimers Society BC Annual Report 2016 infographics detail.
Finally, our overall use of colour was very intentional throughout the report. We used a mix of colour and duotone photography for the layouts that was intended to be aesthetically appealing while reaffirming the brand colours. We also used the Harrison painting as inspiration for the new colours that we used in the updated infographic we developed in order to establish continuity and flow from the cover to the internal layouts.