Buzz Monitoring & Tracking Social Media Presence

On any one of our online campaigns, we make a concerted effort to follow what people are saying about our clients online. How do we go about monitoring what your customers are saying about you? And is this something that your organization should start doing internally? The answers are short and sweet: of course you should, and daily!

What Is Buzz Monitoring?

Buzz monitoring is the use of online search tools in order to track the mentions of your company, or any topic for that matter, wherever they pop up on the internet. It is a great way to track the organic conversation about your organization, which can really come in handy for future marketing/branding.

One of the best free online tools for buzz monitoring is Google Alerts. Googlebot crawls through pages, tweets, updates, videos, or anything that is related to the alert you’ve set up, and when it detects something that someone has said about your company, you get an email alert sent to you. Even better, the Google Alerts buzz monitoring tool is free.

Buzz Monitoring Features

There are several other ways you can track what people are saying about you online. One of these is to create an instant search, which can be completed by simply doing a regular Google Search. In the tools area under the search box, all you need to do is input the time frame you want your search term to cover. Using this tool you can search back anywhere from 24 hours to a whole year.

If you’d like to dig deeper into the buzz monitoring options for your company, there are lots of free and paid monitoring platforms that will provide you with access about what your customers are saying about you.

In terms of a buzz monitoring strategy, you should always monitor your blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter posts. Google Alerts allows you to create default settings to be alerted whenever you receive a comment on any of these platforms.