
September 22, 2020
Building resilience to ride out an economic slowdown

The world economy has slowed down dramatically due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, businesses around the world are actively trying to build resilience to ride out the storm. That is of course, easier said than done. A…

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August 25, 2020
Why 2020 is the perfect time for you to work on your website

According to a survey by Blue Fountain Media, a staggering 81% of web users think less of a brand if their website is not up to date, and 39% would think twice about using a product or service if the…

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July 31, 2020
Social marketing targeting Indigenous peoples

Social marketing campaigns are essentially marketing initiatives that seek to bring about behaviour-change amongst a certain group of audience. Thus, effective campaigns of this nature usually make use of a strong understanding of the specific potential target markets and their…

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June 08, 2020
Marketing during the COVID-19 Pandemic

As an effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, some businesses have cut back on marketing, while others are coming up with out of the box ideas to engage with their audience during these difficult times. While no one can say for…

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May 19, 2020
What is an API?

APIs (Application programming interface) are everywhere these days. Even if you’re not following the bleeding edge of technology and web, you’ve probably heard the term being thrown around in the past couple of years. So, what is an API and…

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