
September 18, 2013
How to Reach More Clients Using Social Media Strategy

Most of us understand that social media is an important part of any marketing plan, but is your company’s social media strategy using it to its full advantage? With Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and new channels every year, the list…

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August 07, 2013
Why Do You Need a Business Website?

Despite living in the digital age, there are still some of you who question the value of having a business website. You have various arguments. For example, you’ve always conducted business out of your physical office or you get the…

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July 17, 2013
Why Should You Be On A WordPress Maintenance Plan?

Your custom WordPress website is like the car you just purchased. Cars need regular maintenance in order to keep them on the road. Neglecting these tune-ups puts your car (as well as yourself) at risk. Your website is no different….

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June 25, 2013
Why Develop & Define Your Personal Brand?

When you think of your business name, what comes to mind? In order for a business or entrepreneur to be successful, their personal brand should be strong enough that the answer is unanimous. Having a strong personal brand is vital…

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May 28, 2013
Discovery Session Tips From KIMBO Design

It’s been a great year for KIMBO Design. We’ve moved to a sleek downtown Vancouver office space, we’ve expanded our team and we are growing our service offerings. To accommodate such growth in such a short amount of time, we…

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