To achieve the project goals, the KIMBO team did not only evaluate the SCRD’s current resources but also facilitated an in-person workshop with SCRD stakeholders. The purpose of this activity is to gather the input of stakeholders in an engaging environment. Opinions, thoughts, and comments of stakeholders gathered in this stage served a large role in our development of a suitable strategy for the Regional District. Activities carried out in the workshop include SWOT analyses, surveys, and group discussions, among others.
The stakeholders workshop was a great success. The high turnout rate for the in-person workshop session suggests that the participants we collected information from were a representative sample group. A thorough audit report containing all the aforementioned information, including KIMBO’s professional recommendations for a website redesign was produced using the audit and workshop results.
Stakeholders engagement with the 5 Directors of Sunshine Coast Regional District
Stakeholders engagement with 27 Sunshine Coast Regional District Staff
In order to improve user engagement and participation in the work of the SCRD, we recognized that the website must provide visitors with a consistent, comprehensive, and user-friendly online experience. Thus, an obstacle to the project was to find a suitable way to present the existing content in an informative, relevant, easy-to-find, quick-to-load, and visually appealing manner.
Sunshine Coast Regional District website redesign before and after redesign view
Sunshine Coast Regional District website redesign page layout screens
A robust document management system was developed specifically for the district website. This allowed the district staff to upload and maintain a large volume of documents with ease with search and filter functionality built in. An agendas and board minutes function was also built-in for the district to manage The Board of Directors meeting minutes and agendas.
Sunshine Coast Regional District Document Library, Board Minutes and Agendas Features
The visual layout of the content needed to be presented in a way that is informative, relevant, easy to find, quick to load, visually appealing, and viewable on any type of computer, tablet, or mobile device with social media integration.